'Tis demunz..... time to call in the priests.... got any holy water handy?
individuals wife
JoinedPosts by individuals wife
Her Ladyship's Car
by Englishman inher ladyship today treated her car to its annual trip to the washer.
sick of reading the grafitti that was fingered onto the muddy windows, ("don't wash, plant something" - "also available in red" - "two-tone rust & corrosion") she puttered off early this morning.. upon her return, the car had developed some interesting characteristics.
the left hand indicator has come up with a novel feature.
If the UN DID persecute the JWs..would you join in
by edward gentry inimagine this!
what a tempting thought.. the org, banned, witnesses hunted like rats thru the streets as they sneak around in their reverse coats and changeable hats carrying out the preaching work.
outside your house an incident,three neighbours are beating up on a witness, hitting him over the head with his own briefcase.. would you join in?
individuals wife
They would relish the persecution and feel more affirmed in their choice of religion.
I just feel very sorry for them now and have managed to set aside all my 'hitting over the head with a briefcase' thoughts.... although I suppose it may knock a little sense into them!
A Tale Of 2 Witties, Part 1.
by Englishman insome years back i moved into a new house on a new estate, quite near to where my mother lives, and even closer to where radar lives now.. we were one of the first to move in, and, after several weeks, our first neighbours began to arrive.
they were a family comprising husband, wife, 1 son and 3 daughters.
we exchanged greetings and each family showed the other around our new houses which were of the linked to each other design.. a week or so later, i noticed my mother pulling up outside in her car, but, instead of coming to my home she got into a long conversation with my new neighbour who was tending to his front garden.
individuals wife
E'man - you have my deepest sympathies, and we know how you feel, JWs to the left of us, JWs to the right of us, JWs down the street... feels like you are being watched every time you step out of your door - guess whos having the biggest Christmas tree ever outside their front door this year?
Come on, come on, don't keep us in suspense, we want part 2, we want part 2, we want part 2!
Being Mislead and Deceived
by individuals wife ini think these quotes give a good insight into the minds of the societys publication writers - they are misleading people and are so deceitful and they know it.
its no wonder the org.
do not want you to read anything except for society books, if the jws did then they would be caught out.... taken from the book 'the jehovahs witnesses' by doug harris - if you read this doug - brilliant book!
individuals wife
Hi Waiting!
Just a bit more information for you - the author Doug Harris is responsible for the Reachout Trust, a group which you will find out more about on http://www.reachouttrust.org/
The book I am reading is called The Jehovahs Witnesses, Their Beliefs and Practices, by as I said, Doug Harris, and it is published by Gazelle Books, co-published with The Reachout Trust, ISBN no. 1899746137.
Well worth reading!
Being Mislead and Deceived
by individuals wife ini think these quotes give a good insight into the minds of the societys publication writers - they are misleading people and are so deceitful and they know it.
its no wonder the org.
do not want you to read anything except for society books, if the jws did then they would be caught out.... taken from the book 'the jehovahs witnesses' by doug harris - if you read this doug - brilliant book!
individuals wife
I think these quotes give a good insight into the minds of the Societys publication writers - they are misleading people and are so deceitful AND THEY KNOW IT. Its no wonder the Org. do not want you to read anything except for Society books, if the JWs did then they would be caught out...
Taken from the book 'The Jehovahs Witnesses' by Doug Harris - if you read this Doug - brilliant book! Really enjoying it!
The WBTS wants us to believe that scholars approve and support its translation of the Bible. In a letter from the Society (London, 26 Sept. 1985) it gives a number of quotes to prove this. We list them below. The parts the Society left out are supplied in bold letters. The quotes are introduced in the letter as follows:
'Finally, we felt it might be of some assistance to list a few comments by various scholars concerning the New World Translation particularly highlighting the competence of its translators:
The translation has been endorsed by no less an authority than C H Dodd... Referring to 'the Word was a God' he states: 'If translation were a matter of substituting words, a possible translation of (John 1:1) would be, "The Word was a god". As a word-for-word translation it cannot be faulted...The reason why it is unacceptable is that it runs counter to the current of Johanine thought, and indeed of Christian thought as a whole.'
(The Bible Translator, Jan 1997, Vol. 28)Samuel Haas said of the New World Translation, 'While this work indicates a great deal of effort and thought as well as considerable scholarship, it is to be regretted that religious bias was allowed to colour many passages.'
(Journal of Biblical Literature, Dec 1955)Robert M McCoy said: 'In not a few instances the New World Translation contains passages which must be considered as "theological translations" ... John 8:58... On grammatical grounds alone... cannot be justified. It cannot be called a historical present, since the words are not narrative... The translation of the New Testament is evidence of the presence in the movement of scholars qualified to deal intelligently with the many problems of Biblical translation.'
(Andover Newton Quarterly, 3,1963)Professor Bruce M Metzger:' On the whole one gains a tolerably good impression of the scholarly equipment of the translators (their names are not divulged)... Some of the translations which are simply indefensible... The introduction of the word "Jehovah" into the New Testament ... John 1:1... is not justified despite a lengthy note... the translators have not hesitated to insert four times the word "other" (totally without warrant from the Greek)... in Colossians 1:16.
(The Bible Translator, Vol.15)Doesn't it make you angry when you realise how they have twisted other peoples words to make them sound as though they are saying something completely different. Surely this should be illegal?? It's certainly unethical.
Has anyone heard this about Bethel?
by Mindchild inplease tell me if i'm wrong about this.
if i'm not, i'm actually pretty shocked.... we all remember reading in the bible how israel once became rampant with sacred prostitution and the worship of phallic images.
although there is evidence that these phallic idols were widespread, it is difficult to realize just how ubiquitous they were because of the way the texts were translated.
individuals wife
DazedAndConfused - yep, good comment from the Insight book - used that one in my da letter.....
individuals wife
"I'll be glad when Amageddon comes, that will fix the problem."
This attitude which I found quite prevalent in the 'truth' used to sicken me and was one of the reasons I was glad to leave. I remember picking up my mags and seeing pictures of abused kids, hungry kids, needy kids... battered wives, victims of violence, persecuted peoples and those truly in need. What was the organisations answer? Kill the lot of them, that'll solve the problem. Wipe them all out and then these problems will be no more. That to me was such an unChristian way of thinking. What is wrong with trying to help these people now? The JWs are just concerned with their promise and their reward - they feel that any attempt to help constructively would be futile and so they do not bother at all.
And to look forward to the death and destruction.... well, it shows a complete lack of humanity and love for fellow man.
No Poppies For JW's?
by Englishman inhey, did you wear your poppy today?
* http://www.geocities.com/traditions_uk/poppyday.html.
bang on 11am, everything came to a stop, even the shoppers in tesco's stood silently and still for 2 minutes to recall the remembrance ritual of the armistice that occurred on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, 1918, and has since been a time when we remember all those who died under enemy fire.
individuals wife
For the first time ever I was there this morning with all the Methodists, the Baptists, the Anglican, the Catholics and even the atheists for the Remembrance Sunday service in the town. I found it very moving and felt so proud of my girls as they marched with the dignitaries in their Girl Guide uniforms and poppies. I commented to my husband that we were guaranteed to see no JWs in the crowd and this reminded me of the years in the Kingdom Hall when we would sit and listen to the band march past on Remembrance Sunday, some of the 'inmates' would look at each other and raise their eyebrows, others would comment afterwards on the distraction that was caused. What an awful attitude.
Our grandparents and greatgrandparents sacrificed so much, some even their lives, so that these JWs could have the freedoms that we take for granted today. And do the JWs appreciate that fact? Not at all. But then again, they dont like freedom in any form do they.
Hi, newbie here
by ChimpGirl inhi y'all from chimpgirl in the uk.
have been posting on support board for exjws for a year or so now and someone there pointed me in your direction.
glad i found ya!.
individuals wife
Hi ChimpGirl - good to see another UK face here! Welcome!
Don't be nervous about talking here - we not that intimidating are we?!
It sounds as though you have had a bit of rollercoaster ride so far - glad to see you are coming through the other side of it. Looking forward to reading more of your posts and experiences, I can see that you will fit right in here!
I attend an Anglican church. It's got a really easy-going attitude - I turn up in jeans and t-shirt and my big hair extensions and no-one bats an eyelid - and full of love and energy and spontenaity, in the way that the dreaded Kingdom Halls never were. It's across the road from a KH and when we spill out around the same time on a Sunday, the contrast is something to behold; we're all giggling and laughing and headed for a pub lunch, wearing all sorts of motley clothing, and they're in their suits and stuff looking miserable.
That sounds more like it - where can I sign up?! -
Celebrating 1st Year of Freedom
by individuals wife inwell, i've made it through the first year!
one year out and still surviving - despite the fact that they said i would come crawling back with my tail between my legs!!.
i cant believe a year could go by so fast and also that you could achieve so much.
individuals wife
You guys have a wonderful way of making someone feel good about themselves - thank you so much for your good wishes!